Mrs. Rajashree Birla's acceptance speech at the BRICS-CCI Annual Recognition Awards

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Mrs. Rajashree Birla's acceptance speech at the BRICS-CCI Annual Recognition Awards


The award recognises the expansive grassroots humanitarian efforts the Aditya Birla Group has been involved in as part of its CSR journey. Mrs. Birla commended the BRICS-CCI team for their unique approach in recognising such efforts and acknowledged the pivotal role played by the CSR cohort, led by Dr. Pragnya Ram, and the team's passion and commitment to the CSR playbook. Mrs. Birla also mentioned the unflinching support she continues to receive from her son, Mr. Kumar Mangalam Birla.

Acceptance Speech

I am indeed honoured and overwhelmed, by this accolade conferred upon me, at this premier event, the first of its kind BRICS-CCI Recognition Award. This prestigious award means even more to me, having received it at the hands of our Former President Shri Ram Nath Kovindji, among our most respected and admired Presidents. I will always cherish it. For me, this moment is amongst our finest hour in our purposeful CSR journey of enriching lives.

It is indeed a validation of our work. I am truly grateful to the BRICS-CCI team, for going beyond your regular remit, and recognising humanitarian work at the absolute base level. To me, this itself is a celebration of sorts, out-of-the-box thinking. Congratulations on this creative differentiator.

I would like to take this opportunity, to call upon Kumar Mangalam Birla, my son, for embedding the caring and giving mind frame in our people, also for his deep belief, that ‘service to society’ must be at the core of our operations. I would also like to call out our 1,200 CSR strong cohort, across 36 countries and 42 nationalities, led by Dr. Pragnya Ram. Their passion, their dedication, and their commitment, to our CSR playbook gives us strong building blocks. For all of them, CSR is a calling and that is why, we are what we are.

Let me express our heartfelt admiration to BRICS Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and to the BRICS BARA amazing team – Dr. Madhukar, Mr. Vishnoi, Mr. Ashok Kumar, Mr. Sameep Shastri and Dr. Sushi Singh. In totality, BRICS symbolises hope, equity and inclusiveness, endeavouring to patch a world torn by tectonic shifts, coupled with unbelievable challenges. But even as that may be, their endeavours, to help move towards a better world, are more than commendable.

A final personal thought, that I would urge all of you to mull over and translate into an action point, is an inspiring message from Mother Teresa, who said, and I quote – “Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.”, unquote.

Thank you and God bless.

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